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Hi, nice to see you on my page. If you are looking for tools that will help you in the daily work of an architect, engineer or designer, you have come to the right place. Below are the latest entries. If you are looking for something specific, you can do so using the search engine or post categories. If you want to know more about me, please visit the "about me" tab. Have you used my solutions? You can return the favour by buy me a virtual coffee using the "Buy me a coffe" button
Copying parameters in Revit within a single parameter is a time-consuming task. Thanks to the function of copying parameters in my overlay PYLAB you will be able to easily rewrite the value of any parameters for all elements of the selected category.
The program for copying parameters for many elements is designed to speed up the process of parameterization of the Revit model. Thanks to this, there is no need to rewrite the values manually. When can you use it?
Preparing the model for release according to BEP assumptions. Many investors require that the relevant data be in specially created parameters.
When transferring data to other industries. A suggestively named parameter will reduce the risk of confusion.
When we create a list and we would like to edit some non-editable parameters. If we rewrite them to our own parameter, we will be able to change them.
Instruction how to install my extension you can find here.
How program works
First, the program asks us to indicate the element. Relative to its category, the program will select all elements in the model.
Then the program will ask us to select the parameter to be copied. The list is arranged alphabetically. Thanks to this, it is possible to quickly find the variable we are interested in.
In the last step, the program filters the parameters to which we can rewrite the selected value. If we create our own parameter of the same type as the copied variant, we will find it in this list.
After the last selection, the program will rewrite the values in all elements. At the end of the process, we will receive a list of elements that have been rewritten / or not. We will also learn about errors.
Film with program in action
Source code – Revit copy parameters
Below is the program code from the first version of the overlay. For more please visit mine GitHub, where new versions of the overlay will appear on a regular basis.
Copyright(C)2022 Paweł Kińczyk## Importsimport sysfrom rpw import revit as rvfrom pyrevit import formsfrom pyrevit import outputfrom Autodesk.Revit.UI.Selection import*from Autodesk.Revit.DB import*## Revit docdoc = rv.docuidoc = rv.uidoc## Class and defdefPargetstr(element,name):return(element.GetParameters(name))[0].AsValueString()## Pick family of choosen elementtry:with forms.WarningBar(title="Pick element in model, program will get his category"): collector = uidoc.Selection.PickObject(ObjectType.Element)exceptExceptionas e:print("Nothing was picked") sys.exit(1)collector=collector.ElementIdcollector=doc.GetElement(collector)collector_cat_id=collector.Category.Idpicked_el=collectortype=collector.GetType()collector=FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(type).WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements()## Get the elements of the same Family and Typeelements=[]for i in collector:ifPargetstr(i,"Family and Type")==Pargetstr(picked_el,"Family and Type"): elements.append(i)else:pass## Get parametersparameters={}parameters_editable={}for i in elements[0].Parameters: parameters.update({i.Definition.Name:i})## Take parameter to be copiedparameters_list=sorted(parameters.keys())selected_option_a = forms.CommandSwitchWindow.show( parameters_list,message='Take parameter to be copied:',recognize_access_key=False)## Collecting parameters by storage typetry:for i in elements[0].Parameters:if i.IsReadOnly ==Falseand i.StorageType == StorageType.String and i.Definition.Name != selected_option_a: parameters_editable.update({i.Definition.Name:i})elif i.IsReadOnly ==Falseand parameters[selected_option_a].StorageType == i.StorageType and i.Definition.Name != selected_option_a and i.CanBeAssociatedWithGlobalParameters()==True: parameters_editable.update({i.Definition.Name:i})else:passexceptKeyErroras e:print("You don't pick element") sys.exit(1)## Choose parameter to overwrite valueparameters_list_editable=sorted(parameters_editable.keys())selected_option_b = forms.CommandSwitchWindow.show( parameters_list_editable,message='Take parameter to set:',recognize_access_key=False)## Choose parameter to overwrite valueoutput = output.get_output()output.print_html('<font size="6"><strong>Results:</strong></font>')t =Transaction(doc,"Override parameter - PYLAB")t.Start()for i in elements:try: parameter_a = i.LookupParameter(selected_option_a) parameter_b = i.LookupParameter(selected_option_b)if parameter_a.StorageType == StorageType.String and parameter_b.StorageType == StorageType.String: parameter_b_overr=parameter_a.AsString() parameter_b.Set(parameter_b_overr)print("Element Id: "+str(i.Id))print("Overritten value: "+str(parameter_b_overr))print("="*6)elif parameter_a.StorageType == StorageType.Double and parameter_b.StorageType == StorageType.Double: parameter_b_overr=parameter_a.AsDouble() parameter_b.Set(parameter_b_overr)print("Element Id: "+str(i.Id))print("Overritten value: "+str(parameter_b_overr))print("="*6)elif parameter_a.StorageType == StorageType.Integer and parameter_b.StorageType == StorageType.Integer: parameter_b_overr=parameter_a.AsInteger() parameter_b.Set(parameter_b_overr)print("Element Id: "+str(i.Id))print("Overritten value: "+str(parameter_b_overr))print("="*6)else: parameter_b_overr=parameter_a.AsValueString() parameter_b.Set(parameter_b_overr)print("Element Id: "+str(i.Id))print("Overritten value: "+str(parameter_b_overr))print("="*6)exceptTypeErroras e:print("Error: \n Element don't have this value")print("Element Id: "+str(i.Id))print("="*6)exceptExceptionas e:print("Element Id: "+str(i.Id))print("Error message: "+str(e))print("="*6)t.Commit()
Please report any irregularities in the operation of the program that occur during use on my social accounts or account GitHub.